What Does Your Sleeping Position Reveal About Your Love Life?
What is your favorite position when sleeping with your partner?
Face-to-face, close to him/her
Each in their own corner
Spooning, cuddled up
Free as a starfishv
How much does your partner’s body heat affect you while sleeping?
I love it, no problem at all
I prefer a bit of distance due to the heat
Just a little, but spooning is still okay
Enough that I end up sleeping on the edge of the bed
What would you do if your partner moves around a lot while sleeping?
I’d cuddle them to keep them still
I’d move even further away
I don’t mind
I’d push them to get more space!
If your partner needs more space, what would you do?
I’d move over, but stay face-to-face
I’d understand; we each have our side
We’d change positions but stay in contact
I’d let them have all the space they need
Which of these best describes the feeling of sleeping while spooning?
Very cozy, like an all-night hug
A bit overwhelming; I prefer to sleep alone
Perfect; it feels super intimate
Very warm; I need space and freedom
For you, sleeping together as a couple means…
Looking at each other face-to-face and feeling close
Being close but each on our sidev
Feeling connected, like spooning
Sleeping comfortably and freely, each in their own space